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  • Collaboration
    of leading
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University
    as part of units
    Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
    Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
    Research computing center
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Research Areas
    Development and application
    of supercomputer technologies
    Scientific teams of MSU, IAM RAS and INM RAS
    have unique expertise and world-class competencies
    in high-performance computing technology
    MSU Supercomputer Complex
    Supercomputer simulation
    of helicopter rotor rotation
    (IAM for Kamov Design Bureau)
    New computational methods,
    models and algorithms
    The efficiency of modern computing systems
    is directly related to the used algorithms.
    In particular, within the framework of the Center’s work,
    it is planned to obtain new methods for solving gas dynamics equations,
    develop software packages for modeling
    and visualization of complex processes, and their application
    to solving complex fundamental and industrial problems.
    The development of mathematical models
    and high-performance computing technologies
    for calculating the spatial structure and dynamics
    of a whole Earth system (IAM RAS, RCC MSU)
    A complete and continuous reproduction system
    of highly qualified world-class specialists
    in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics

Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics



On August 29, 2019, the winners of the competition held within the framework of the national project “Science” for the creation of world-class mathematical centers in Russia were announced. Among the winners are the Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics in a consortium of Lomonosov Moscow State University (based on Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and Research computing center), the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



2021 объявлен в РФ годом науки

Russian President Vladimir Putin noted the value of the work of scientists and declared 2021 the Year of Science and Technology.

More details on the project website.

The formation of international mathematical centers will make a significant contribution to the accelerated development of the research and development sector.

Among the main tasks of the Center:

  • conducting research in most relevant areas both in solving fundamental mathematical problems and in applied problems involving leading scientists and promising young researchers from Russia and other countries;
  • creating an environment for communication, cooperation and joint research by teams of participants of the center and leading experts from other scientific, educational and industrial centers in the field of mathematical sciences;
  • training highly qualified specialists in the field of mathematical sciences in most relevant areas of research.



The mathematical school of Moscow University gained worldwide fame over a hundred years ago. The school of Egorov, Luzin and their students received fundamental results on the widest range of problems faced by mathematicians in the first half of the 20th century. The names of Kolmogorov, Alexandrov, Gelfand, Arnold are known throughout the mathematical world. Since the 30-40s of the last century, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University has been one of the largest mathematical centers in the world, research is being conducted here in almost all relevant areas. It is enough to note that his graduates 6 times became winners of the Fields Medal.

The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics has always been one of the main centers of the Moscow School of Mathematics. Experts in all major mathematical areas work at its departments. One of the main traditions of the faculty is the presence of a number of large mathematical schools headed by outstanding scientists and conducting research in the rapidly developing areas of modern mathematics. The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics maintains constant strong ties with other mathematical centers; in particular, the director of the MI RAS, his deputy and many employees of this institute (including department heads), the director of the IAM RAS, employees of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Higher School of Economics, etc. work at the faculty.

Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University Lomonosov, founded in 1970 on the initiative and thanks to the efforts of one of the largest Russian scientists of the 20th century, academician Tikhonov, is today the leading educational center in Russia for training personnel in the field of basic research in applied mathematics, computer technology and computer science. The faculty conducts research on the widest range of fundamental and applied problems of modern mathematics.

Moscow University is a source of highly qualified mathematical personnel for the mathematical centers of Russia and the world; in particular, the vast majority of employees of Moscow mathematical centers are graduates of Moscow State University.

The institutes of IAM RAS and INM RAS, founded by outstanding scientists, mathematicians, who made a huge contribution to the solution of many applied problems (in particular, in space exploration, the development of atomic energy, etc.) and who served as president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academicians Keldysh and Marchuk, conduct research on how in the field of fundamental principles of computational mathematics and mathematical modeling, so in a wide range of areas related to solving important applied problems.

The solution of a large number of modern problems of mathematical modeling is possible only with the help of powerful computer technology, supercomputers. Moreover, the very task of transferring computations to this technique is a fundamental, non-trivial mathematical problem. Specialists of the Scientific and Research Center of Moscow State University in collaboration with colleagues from Moscow State University, IPM, IVM and other mathematical centers are engaged in solving this problem both at a fundamental, theoretical level and in the practical implementation of the developed methods.

Employees of the Research computing center of Moscow State University possess world-class competencies in the development and practical use of mathematical models and methods for building scalable computing systems and ultra-high performance environments, in creating scalable parallel algorithms and methods for solving applied problems in the natural sciences and humanities. It is this potential that is laid in the foundation of the MSU supercomputer complex, combining the resources of the Lomonosov supercomputers and the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer - the most powerful in Russia at present. The Center for the collective use of ultra-high-performance computing resources of Moscow University was created on the basis of the Research computing center of Moscow State University, which makes it possible to efficiently use powerful supercomputer resources to carry out more than 700 projects from various fields of science, based on the potential of mathematical modeling and computational technologies.

In many applied fields of science based on supercomputers and computational technologies, such as climate research, computational chemistry, cryptography, unique methods of processing big data and data compression, bioinformatics and bioengineering, astrophysics, and in many other MSU scientists hold strong authoritative positions in the world. A significant area of ​​research and development at Moscow University is the development of models, methods and technologies for creating highly efficient parallel applications. The results of work in this area are being actively implemented in the Russian supercomputer community, and are constantly used by thousands of users of high-performance computing systems.


It is planned to increase the number of young researchers participating in scientific programs and projects implemented by the center.

An increase in the number of papers published in journals indexed in international databases (Web of Science Core Collection / Scopus) is expected.

Upcoming events

16:20«Supercomputer Technologies» Conference hall (2nd educational building of MSU, 2nd floor, room 238) + online (Kontur.Talk)
The meeting of the seminar "Supercomputer technologies in science, education and industry".
The seminar was organized on the basis of the Scientific and Educational Center «Supercomputer Technologies». The reports cover all aspects of the use of supercomputers, parallel computing systems and distributed data processing methods for solving large computational problems. The seminar has a pronounced interdisciplinary nature, however, the various nuances of using supercomputer technologies are of interest to researchers from various fields.
09:00Presidium of RAS, INM RAS + Online
Computational and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences