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A branch of the Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at Lomonosov Moscow State University (hereinafter referred to as the Center) announces a contest for the implementation of initiative projects on the following topics:

  1. «Theoretical Mathematics»
  2. «Computational Mathematics»
  3. «Theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics»
  4. «High Performance Computing»
  5. «Math modeling»
  6. «Fundamental and Applied Mechanics»

Applications are accepted at in e-mail form. Both teams that have already worked in the Center and teams that are new to the Center can participate in the contest.

The teams that already worked at the Center in 2021 submit an application in a simplified form, consisting of the name of the project, a list of team members indicating the exact date of birth, age at the end of 2022, place and position at the main place of work, titles, name of the project completed team at the Center in 2021, and expected results in 2022, including the planned number of articles in Q1 / Q2 publications on WoS and / or Scopus. The team must include at least 50% of participants under the age of 39 years inclusive at the end of 2022.

The application deadline is until May 31, 2022 inclusive, the results of the competitive selection will be announced no later than May 30, 2022.

For new applicants for the contest: the application is submitted in free form, it must contain the specific name of the research that the team plans to perform, a list of the team indicating the exact date of birth, age at the end of 2022, place and position at the main place of work, characteristics of the professional the level of the leader and team members, including information about academic degrees and titles, main results and publications for 5 years, information about previously completed projects and grants, citation indices, and other additional information that applicants consider it important to report about themselves. Also, the application must briefly describe the expected results, their relevance and significance, compliance with the world level, the planned number of articles in Q1 / Q2 publications on WoS and / or Scopus. It should be noted that the team has the necessary resources, you can also include other necessary information about the project. The volume of the application should not exceed 5 pages. The team must include at least 50% of participants under the age of 39 at the end of 2022. If the head of the team is a young scientist himself and moves full-time to the Center, then his salary will be paid in excess of the amount won by the team. The presence of a foreign scientist in the team is encouraged (the scientist will have to enter the Russian Federation at least for a short time on a work visa), his salary will be discussed separately and paid in excess of the amount won by the team. 

The maximum possible amount of requested funding is up to 4 million rubles, this money can be spent only on the salary of the team. Business trips and other items of expenditure will be carried out from the funds of the Center in excess of the amount won on separate motivated requests.