JUNE, 13 - 23

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) SB RAS, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Hydrometcentre of Russia, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS, RAS Earth Sciences Division and the Siberian Branch of the RAS are organizing the International Computing and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences CITES-2023 (June 13 - 23, 2023, Moscow, Russia), which includes a conference (June 13 - 16) and a school for young scientists (June 19 - 23). The event is supported by the RSF project 21-71-30023.
The sections of the CITES-2023 conference will be devoted to fundamental aspects of Earth system modeling and applications of computing and information technologies in geophysical sciences. Particular attention will be paid to adapting the economy and society to the expected climate change and providing managers with the necessary information to make administrative decisions.
The main topics of the school: the development of numerical models of the atmosphere, ocean, active layer of land, sea ice, climate modeling and numerical weather forecasting, tools and results of climate data analysis. On these most important topics, invited lectures by leading experts will be given, in which young scientists will be provided with up-to-date information that allows them to focus their professional attention on solving the most demanded and promising research problems.
Conference sections
- Numerical weather prediction and meteorology
- Modeling and analysis of global and regional climate and related atmospheric processes
- Land surface processes: models, observations and data assimilation Structure and dynamics of geophysical boundary layers
- Computation and Information technologies for the Earth sciences
- 24th Session of the North Eurasian Climate Forum
- Workshop on the development of a national climate model
- Future Earth Program and Northern Eurasia Future Initiative
CITES-2023 events will be held in Moscow: the conference - in one of the halls of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the school - at the INM RAS.
Registration fee
- for young participants (up to 39 years old inclusive) - 2000 ₽
- for other participants - 4000 ₽
For online participants without a report, the registration fee is not required.
Registration for the event takes place at official website and it is open until April 15 2023
Contact with the organizers: info@citesconf.ru